Beat The Junk
Parent, Video Creation
Jan 7, 2025
Beat The Junk

Here are some tips to help you beat junk food cravings:
Eat balanced meals: Eat meals based on whole foods to feel satisfied and reduce cravings.
Stay hydrated: Drinking wat
er can help you feel full. Studies show that drinking 500 milliliters (2.1 c) of water before a meal can help with weight loss.
Manage stress: Stress can lead to cravings for comfort foods like chocolate. Try limiting news exposure, practicing deep breathing, or meditating.
Get enough sleep: Sleep deprivation can disrupt appetite regulation and lead to strong cravings.
Identify triggers: Try to identify what triggers your junk food cravings.
Practice mindful eating: Be aware of what you're eating and how you're eating it.
Chew gum or brush your teeth: Chewing gum or brushing your teeth can help with cravings.
Distance yourself from the craving: If you can't resist a craving, you can try allowing yourself one bite and then throwing away the rest.
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