Fun with Magnets_Formation of Magnetic field lines using a bar Magnet and iron Filings.

Grade 6, Science - Physics
Aug 12, 2024
1.A bar magnet is a permanent magnent whose magnetusm remind forever.
2.Thr magnetic field lines in a bar magnet form closed lines.
3.A bar magnent has 2 poles -The North and south pole.
4.The magnetic field lines come out of the North and terminatr in the South Pole.
5.Inside the magnent, they travel from the South to north pole.
6.Parallel and uniform inside the magnent and diverges and nin-uniform outside.
7.Closer together at the poles.
8.Increases the magnentic field strength at the poles.
9.strength is like a magnent pulling individual iron filling towards it.
10. Wow : I was thrilled by the magic of how the tiny iron fillings moved in response to the movement of magnent creating patterns.
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